Have you ever had a work experience that was funny, bizarre, or just plain awful? Share your experience so we can all laugh at those who frustrated you. Email us your stories at
daligrind@att.net and we'll post the choicest ones. We don't publish real names of you, your coworkers or your employer.
DALI SAYS: Nine Types of Surreal Work Stories
Many of the best work stories fall into one of the following nine groups.
1. What is the most bizarre task you were ever assigned?
2. What is the most outlandish reason you lost a job or were reprimanded?
3. What is the weirdest or most shocking thing your boss has done?
4. What is the worst treatment you have ever received from a business partner or co-worker?
5. Who is the worst employee you've ever had to supervise?
6. Who is the most bizarre customer or client you have ever had?
7. What is your most ludicrous, embarrassing, job-related mistake?
8. Have you ever experienced violence or the threat of violence on the job?
9. What is your greatest triumph over adversity on the job?
But we'd love to hear your story even if it doesn't fit neatly within these categories.