The comptroller of the law firm at which I was working was a rather flamboyant lady. She had been living in a townhouse fairly far down the New Jersey coast, and she decided to take an apartment in Manhattan, to reduce her commute. To help defray the cost of her new Manhattan place, she decided to rent out her townhouse.
Her secretary was told that she had to go to the townhouse -- she was provided with company-paid car service there and back -- to inventory every single item in the house, so that the incoming tenant could not steal anything.The inventory took the better part of ten days, and while the secretary was off counting the spoons, a temp was brought in to do her work.
The townhouse's new tenant, by the way, was told before she moved in that everything in it had been catalogued; and the secretary was required by her boss to make unannounced semi-annual trips to the house, to do spot checks of the silver, the china and the appliances, and determine if anything was missing. It never was, but we always wondered what would happen if to the tenant if she accidentally broke a cup or lost a fork down the garbage disposal . . .