The Dali Grind: Surreal Stories about Real Jobs
Have you ever had a work experience that was funny, bizarre, or just plain awful? Share your experience so we can all laugh at those who frustrated you. Email us your stories at and we'll post the choicest ones. We don't publish real names of you, your coworkers or your employer.
Friday, February 04, 2005
  STORY: Bosses Too Stupid to Live

Mr. S decided he wanted to hire someone to help with general housecleaning and to pull some weeds from his yard. . . . Since it's just an occasional job, Mr. S decided to call one of those agencies that provides laborers on a daily basis, a labor-on-the-spot kind of thing. We got on the phone together and called the one nearest his house.

Mr. S: Yes,this is Mr. S calling. I need a worker for today. . . Someone to do some housecleaning and some weed pulling. . . .I'd like it to be a man.
Agency Woman: I can't discriminate like that. If a woman is qualified for the job, I'm gonna send her.
Mr. S: Well, I can request a man, can't I?
AW: No, you can't.
Mr.S: Well, what if there's heavy lifting? . . .
AW: If I have a woman qualified for the job, then I could send her.
Mr. S: What is the law about how much weight a woman can lift vs. how much a man can lift unassisted?
AW: I'm not aware of any law like that.
Mr. S: Well, you should be, because there are laws.
AW: Well, can you clue me in about that? I haven't heard of it.
Mr. S: I don't know the exact statute, ma'am, and I'm not going to try to quote it for you, because I don't want to tell you something incorrect . . . Well, what about a construction environment that is not conducive to a lady?
AW: Is this a construction site? Because I thought you said it was housecleaning.
Mr. S: No, just hypothetically.
AW: If a woman is qualified to do the work, I can send her to the job. If there's a problem at a construction job, she might have a sexual harassment claim.
Mr. S: Well, what about a locker room?
AW: A locker room is one of the only places you can discriminate because of gender.
Mr. S: So what if I had a job for someone where there were men showering?
AW: I thought this was a housecleaning job.
Mr. S: (very agitated now): Ma'am, there are laws about this and I suggest that if you're going to be in this business, you familiarize yourself with them.
AW: Sir, I'm sorry, but I don't have anyone available for your job. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

From Office Confidential, Does the "S" Stand for "Sexist?" 

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